Is it Time for an AV Tech Upgrade?

Smart technology of any sort is constantly in a state of development and evolution—and AV equipment is included in this. While changes and new capabilities are exciting, it can also be difficult to know when your company’s AV solutions need upgrading to ensure your operations remain efficient and competitive—and it can feel like a full-time job to stay in the know.

In this new blog post, the AV experts at Connectivity will let you know what to be on the look out for, so you recognize when it’s time to upgrade your AV tech.

4 Warning Signs Your AV Technology Needs a Refresh

Here are some warning signs that could indicate that an AV upgrade is in order:

1.     You’re Experiencing Quality Issues: When it comes to AV systems, quality is everything, and when issues are present that means frustration for your customers, employees, and other stakeholders. If you are hearing weird buzzing sounds, experiencing garbled audio, seeing blurriness and distortion, and the like, first troubleshoot with some help from your AV partner, and if all else fails, upgrade or replace.

2.     Your Physical Space is Changing: If you have a growing business and you are expanding beyond your existing footprint, then it’s likely your AV needs are also going to grow. No matter if you are adding meeting rooms, accommodating a remote or hybrid workforce, or something else, you’re going to have to scale your AV and confirm your equipment can keep up with your business’s demands.

3.     You are Experiencing Equipment Failure: Sometimes it is incredibly clear that you need new AV equipment as it simply stops working. Yes, this can happen at inconvenient times and well before the anticipated lifespan of a device, but that is technology for you—and we have all been there at some point. Another red flag? When your existing AV tech cannot be integrated with a new piece of equipment. If your old tech cannot be connected to new tech, it’s time to upgrade.

4.     Your Employees Are Frustrated: Finally, you may not interact regularly with your AV technology, but your employees definitely do. Ask your team members what they think about your AV systems. Are they constantly frustrated by lack of functionality? Are there operational issues that create headaches or prevent work from getting done? Uncover what your staff likes about your system and what they believe can be improved to enhance efficiency and streamline workflows.

Get Expert Advice When Upgrading Your AV Tech

Having a high-quality AV system at your business not only can help you get more done, but it can improve your profitability, help you better connect with customers, and enhance your business’s reputation in the community.

Connectivity designs and installs AV systems that meet the demands of individual businesses and address changing needs. We take the time to learn about your environment, how you use your AV system, and always consider your budget.

Reach out to us today and schedule a consultation. We welcome the opportunity to help you get the most out of a state-of-the-art AV system.