Choosing the Best Access Control System for Your Workplace — Connectivity LLC, Structured Cabling, Fiber Optics, Network Solutions, Paging, LowVoltage, Audio/Video, Soundmasking

Choosing the Best Access Control System for Your Workplace

When considering implementing or upgrading an access control system to address the needs of your business, it’s important to know that there are many system types and access control systems are not one-size-fits-all.

In this new article, the team at Connectivity will outline why access control is needed, explore how access control works, and describe how your company can streamline processes through a real-time access control system.

What is Access Control?

An access control system is a form of a security system. It limits unauthorized access to physical and logical systems through the identification of users by verifying varied login credentials. The access control system confirms that a potential user should have access and then will authorize an appropriate access level and associate that with a user’s credentials.

4 Types of Access Control Systems

As we noted, there are many types of access control systems. Here are a few to consider:

  • Mandatory Access Control: This is the most secure type of access control as well as the most inflexible as only the system owner or administrator can control and manage access. Users, then, are given different security levels and information clearance. Mandatory access control is most often utilized in sensitive environments, such as the government or military.

  • Discretionary Access Control: This type of system is considered the least restrictive type and provides the highest number of allowances. Discretionary access control is a tool that is easy to use and best for companies that want flexibility. At the same time, there is the potential for it to not be as secure as the administrator might not be the only one who has access.

  • Role-Based Access Control: This system is quickly becoming the most popular type of system as the administrator has the ability to assign an individual only the amount of access they need to do their job effectively. It tends to be highly beneficial for IT managers and business owners and also reduces the time it takes to set up or change a system user.

  • Rule-Based Access Control: This system depends upon a selection of attributes and environmental factors, i.e., the time of day and location, for instance. With a rule-based system, you can set certain parameters as to when and where information, access to office space, and the like can be permitted.

Outside of these four most common, there are also systems based on attribution, identity, and history, to name a few.

How to Choose the Best System

When choosing the best system for your business, there are a variety of factors to consider, including:

  • Your organization’s size

  • Your budget

  • How much security you need and your overall safety and security objectives

  • The ability of the system to integrate with and evolve with your business over time

  • How many users will need permissions

  • Ease-of-use for members

Connectivity Can Help with an Access Control System that Protects Your Company

Here at Connectivity, we are specialists in the design and installation of a variety of access control systems. If you feel that your office environment could be improved through the increased security an access control system provides—or you simply want to understand your upgrade options on an existing system, contact us today. We would love to schedule a one-on-one consultation.