The Importance of Security Surveillance to Small Businesses

As a small business owner, it is likely you have invested blood, sweat, and tears—not to mention considerable capital—into your startup enterprise. Your company is the embodiment of your life’s work and is likely the physical manifestation of your ideas and innovation. You are proud of what you have built and would also probably do almost anything to ensure your employees, your products and services, as well as your customers remain safe and protected.  However, many times the physical threats to your business are impossible to predict—no matter how large or how small you may be.

In today’s world, there are many threats to commercial enterprises, including the risk of theft, active shooter situations, and burglary or vandalism. Even unseen threats can be present (think COVID) when unauthorized people gain access to your office or commercial space. Therefore, this is where commercial security systems and access controls can be key. When you opt to have the right controls, cameras, and security preparations in place, your business can significantly reduce the risk of safety concerns.

The Risks of Poor Security

Whether or not your business keeps a physical inventory of products and goods on hand, it is still likely that your company’s office, store, or other facility has assets in the form of equipment, technology, customer files and data, and other information that is central to your operations. Therefore, burglaries specifically are one of the top causes of revenue loss to a business. According to FBI data, burglaries make up 13.6% of all property crimes, and businesses are four more times as likely to be the victim of burglary when compared to a residential home.

What’s more is that while some burglaries happen after hours, commercial enterprises that have a storefront also need to be prepared for the risk that is presented by shoplifters during business hours. A significant statistic to be aware of? Small businesses in the United States lose between $25K and $33K per minute to shoplifters.  That is a mind bending (and potentially business ending) number for any small business, to be sure.

Keeping this information in mind, it is easy to see why it is absolutely essential for your small business to have proper security in the form of indoor and outdoor cameras, access controls, alarms, motion sensors, smoke detectors, and more.

How Does a Business Benefit from Strong Security?

Outside of theft and burglary alone, your business will be protected from a range of risks when the right preparation and strategy takes place. Here are some of the perks of ensuring your small business has a high-quality security system:

  • Employee and Customer Safety: Every person wants to feel safe when they are at work or around the general public. Having security cameras in place can help stem the potential for your business to experience incidents related to violence, sexual harassment, or other forms of physical provocation. If workplace visitors and employees know an “eye in the sky” is on them, they may be less likely to start trouble—and alternatively, may feel more comfortable reporting an incident knowing there is visual proof to back up their claim.

  • Lawsuit Protection: Having security cameras in place can minimize the risk of your company being wrongfully accused of something; for instance, a fraudulent workers compensation case or if a customer claims they slipped and fell because of negligence. If you have this on camera and it’s faked, you have proof you are not responsible.

  • Insurance Benefits: In many cases, having an internal and external security system in place could help you save money on business insurance premiums as it indicates you have lessened your risk of experiencing theft, property loss, or other issues.

A Comprehensive Security System Protects Your Business

Here at Connectivity, we are big believers in the peace of mind that comes when you know your business is protected against threats. You have worked hard to build your company and you are proud of all you have accomplished; therefore, make sure it is secure for the long haul.

We are capable of installing a broad range of security systems and utilize only the most technologically advanced equipment while following best-in-class standards. Connectivity creates custom tailored security systems that are designed for your space and needs, no matter if that is access controls, intrusion, or video management and camera systems—we will guarantee you have the best solution.

Reach out to our team today to learn more about the manufacturers we partner with and to discuss your security needs.