An Overview of Structured Cabling: What to Know

If you are a business owner and run a company dependent on comprehensive telecommunications solutions, then it is likely you have an idea about what structured cabling is—but you still may feel a bit murky on what all goes into a high-quality system. At its most simplistic, structured cabling is the cabling and hardware system that allows an organization to operate and run networking tasks effectively. In the most precise sense, it is the standardized equipment and architectural environment offered by the TIA/EIA Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard—an ultimate guide, if you will, that is used by manufacturers to confirm technology and hardware systems operate correctly.

Where is Structured Cabling Used?

Structured cabling is utilized in a wide array of areas, as well as those that span industrial facilities, workplaces, data centers, and more. Structured cabling systems address a variety of purposes as well, including telephone service capability and data transmission. When a structured cabling system is designed well and maintained properly, this infrastructure has the ability of allowing a company to attain a predictable performance, minimize the chances of downtime being experienced, accommodate changes in technology, and improve the cabling system’s usability as time passes.

How are Structured Cabling Systems Established?

A structured cabling system delivers an organized and efficient methodology to cabling infrastructure through the utilization of a series of patch panels and trunks. The design of any one company’s structured cabling system will be unique to the needs of that business and variations in system design may be present based upon the structure of the space that is responsible for cabling system housing. Additionally, variations may be present based on how the cabling system is set to be used as well as the connection products that are needed to achieve intended goals and the type of equipment that will be supported.  Some other unique characteristics can also be at play in regard to system configuration and the requirements and needs of the end users.

What Structured Cabling Components Go into a High-Quality System?

The majority of structured cabling systems usually comprise of the following elements:

  • Cable pathways that include floor penetrations, conduits, shafts, and raceways

  • Connecting hardware, including cross connections, blocks, interconnections, patch panels—as well as potentially a blend of these components

  • The cables, which usually consist of optical fiber, twisted copper, coaxial copper—as well as a combo of cabling

What Are Structured Cabling’s Benefits?

When an organization can depend on a well-designed and high-quality structured cabling system, that company can expect the following benefits:

  • Significant time savings: Through the creation of an organized structured cabling system, a business’s infrastructure could realize uniform documentation, which makes cable and port tracing less time consuming and more efficient.

  • Minimized downtime: When a structured cabling system is in place and operable, human errors can be diminished, which might minimize or eliminate the threat of downtime, loss of worker productivity, and breaks in customer service.

  • Quick adaptability: We talk a lot about the importance of future proofing infrastructure systems here at Connectivity—and with a high-quality structured cabling system, your organization might find it easier to adapt to changing technology, business growth, and end user requirements.

Contact Connectivity to Inquire About Structured Cabling

As businesses of all sizes and in all industries get prepared to welcome workers back to their office or facility, now is the best time to ensure your company’s infrastructure has a sound structuring cabling system that can handle all of your technology needs—and the demands of your customers. Reach out to Connectivity today to learn about our complete cabling installation and maintenance solutions. We would love the opportunity to become your strategic partner. Contact us at your earliest convenience.