What Does Future Proofing Mean? And Why Does It Matter to Your Business?

Businesses are naturally vulnerable to a variety of threats—there can be cash flow issues, competition could be aggressive, talent might be hard to retain. However, while these are highly visible problems, too many entrepreneurs neglect to think about how trends in technology could make their company irrelevant.

Ultimately, technology is always evolving and changing—and if your business is not able to adapt, rising to the embrace the challenges presented by those changes, then your company’s chances of survival remain slim.

In this post, the team at Connectivity will address how to future proof your business and why your company needs to focus on this initiative immediately.

Your Infrastructure is Key to Future Proofing

As it relates to your cable infrastructure, you should always consider this component a work in progress. It will never be complete if your business is focused on growth and expansion.  Just as you would never move into an office where you are immediately at capacity, the same holds true with your cabling system. When you consider your infrastructure, think both in terms of short and long-term, and then work with a team of structured cabling professionals who can design and implement a system that will help you meet your needs today while also enabling your future growth plans to be realized.

Be Ahead of the Curve in Technology Adoption

We recognize that change can feel hard—and change simply for the sake of change when everything feels like it is running effectively can be especially difficult for leaders as well as employees to accept.

However, when a new technology is introduced to the market, your business should immediately begin using it and learning about it as it will put your company ahead of the curve prior to widespread industry adoption.  After all, remember there was a time in the past where the Internet was new, where social media advertising platforms were in their infancy, where some new software was touted as a game changer…the businesses that found themselves late to the party faced considerable struggle in having to catch up and learn what their competitors already knew.

Therefore, welcome new technology developments, introduce them right from the get-go, and lead the pack while your competitors try to gain footing.

Consider Your Space—and Address Concerns

It is nice to be cognizant of fads and trends as a way to gauge where the market is headed; however, it also doesn’t make any sense to incorporate unneeded technologies or infrastructure if you do not need it. Therefore, examine your current space, identify where potential concerns could be, and balance the pros and cons prior to making a decision on what to tackle and where to spend money. For instance, if your staff expresses frustration with ambient noise in the office, pursue a sound masking solution to enable their productivity. After all, you don’t want to make a big investment into a fancy employee breakroom, for instance, when your team has a real problem they need dealt with.

Connectivity Can Develop a Future-Proofing Strategy

Here at Connectivity, we regularly consult with our clients to develop and implement future-proofing strategies for businesses and organizations of all sizes. If you are looking to the future and want a partner that can help you attain your short and long-term goals, then reach out to Connectivity and schedule a consultation. We are ready to help you and would welcome the opportunity to collaborate and strategize.