Does Your Business Need a Door Access Control System?

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals and businesses alike have had to pivot, and learn to take new and sometimes strange approaches to living and working.  It has been a truly unprecedented time in our history, and the need for varied types of protection, be it hand sanitizer and PPE, social distancing, or other strategies has become so important to health and safety.

Now, though, as vaccinations become ever more widespread, we have begun to see a light at the end of the tunnel, and more companies are beginning to put plans in place for getting workers back into the office, potentially by the end of the summer. While there are many things to think about with this transition for it to be done successfully, some considerable lifestyle changes and safety expectations need to be addressed—and one of those measures ensures keeping people and the offices they work in safe.

Door Access Control Systems Offer Enhanced Protection

The threat of COVID-19 is going to be something we are going to have to learn to live with for a long time—and even with vaccinated workforces, there is still the potential of infection being spread. A lot of businesses are envisioning a “sit where you want” office setup, allowing employees to come and go, remain distanced, etc. At the same time, it is that coming and going where the challenge lies.

While some businesses will expect employees back in the office full time, other companies may continue with a hybrid/flexible work environment that allows employees to pick and choose when and if they come in.  Regardless, building access is going to matter depending on who can enter and when—and it will be important to keep unauthorized parties out. This means a commercial door system is going to need to be more flexible, offer mobile and touch-free access, and be easy for leadership or security personnel to manage permissions and access scheduling.

Additional integrations are likely going to be needed, especially for businesses that have remote working environments. Think about real-time alerts, remote security access, and video surveillance, which can enable deliveries to be made and employee access schedules to be monitored, offering peace of mind, efficiency, and increased security.

Your Access Controls Must be Future Proofed

Now, ensuring the commercial door access system you implement stands the test of time is based on flexibility and scalability. Future proofing the system means that the functionality and efficiency of the system will align with your company’s needs, no matter if employees are returning to the office full time or if they will operate in a hybrid setup.  Additionally, the system must be able to realize easy and seamless upgrades.  Here, cloud-based solutions are ideal no matter the work environment as this is something that can be evaluated, changed, and modified without a lot of cost or hassle.

No matter the size of your business or how you envision employees returning to work, protecting them is going to be key to your company’s ability to bounce back from the pandemic.

Connectivity is dedicated to helping businesses implement technology and security strategies that allow for efficiency, productivity, an ease of use. We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about changes that need to be made to your office’s security to thrive in a post-COVID world. Reach out to our team and let’s talk about commercial door access control systems that could help you.